Related to water, I was giving Spencer his first bath alone where we just let him play in the water. He is definitely a splasher. I should have been playing the song "Splish Splash" just to top off his bath. The main reason I let him play by himself is he is scooting along pretty well. I will post a video of him scooting later.
In other news Kelly is on her final week of Once Upon a Mattress (the story of the Princess and the Pea). It has been a long 6 weeks of being by myself. People would think that I am just getting a taste of what it is like to be a stay at home parent, but Kelly leaves for work just just before afternoon naps and comes back just before dinner. The time to get outside passes because the kids nap for about 2 hours and wake up in time to help me make dinner. It would be easier if Kelly was gone a little earlier so we could all go out and play without worrying about what time it is so Kelly can leave on time. It will be nice when we have a little more stable schedule in the Fall. I will miss the time with the kids, but I will enjoy the time I do have with them.
Here are some new pics of our kids. Enjoy.