Monday, June 23, 2008

The Perfect Show

In life we have many challenges to deal with. Yesterday Mackenzie happened to be my challenge. She has figured out how to put on the perfect show. Kelly is playing the organ for the local Lutheran church and was not going to make it sacrament meeting yesterday. This left dad with 2 kids. This wouldn't be so bad, but being that Mackenzie is 2 she put on a show when Kelly left for work. She cried and pouted and kicked her feet. There was no way she was going to go to church. When it was time to go to church finally she smiled and got in the car. For a second, I thought this day was going to be a good day after all (a little advise to new parents: don't be fooled, your kids are evil genius' always luring you into a false sense of security.) Well Mackenzie was an angel at church. Other parents were coming up and telling me how great our children are and what a fine father I am to Mackenzie and Spencer. As we reached home the true Mackenzie showed up and began the crying and pouting all over again. It also doesn't help that church is 11-2 so Mackenzie misses her nap or takes a really late nap. We chose to skip her nap yesterday. BAD IDEA!!! Never skip a two year olds nap it only makes things worse. She went to bed at 8:30 yesterday and fell asleep right away. Kelly and I recouped our losses and went to bed late (We needed to clean-up the hurricane Mackenzie mess downstairs).

In other news, I am getting a sweet computer at school. It is being ordered July 1 when we can start using our budgets for next year. I should be able to record some cool stuff on it for band.

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