The end of summer is coming up for me. There are 2 and half weeks till I need to be back at school and now the funnier stuff is starting to happen. The first thing involves school. We have a new middle school principal who called me to talk about the band schedule. He was a little confused because he couldn't find any registration information anywhere for the 6th grade. I had the pleasure of telling him there wasn't any because the group that designed the schedule decided that it wasn't necessary. I gave him a list of the students I knew where planning on coming back and those will be the ones I get for now. He has since changed the schedule and it looks better now.
Second funny thing was letting a two year old play with markers. I'm not sure whether to call Mackenzie she-hulk, the grinch, or the painted lady. She decided to color her legs green. If we had been paying closer attention to her would probably would have noticed, but we didn't and she had very green legs. On the plus side her legs smelled really good because it was those smelly markers.
Now if you can remember or need to look back a few posts, the band room was not in great shape. It had ugly pictures on the wall and had a really nasty set of carpeted risers. Here is an updated picture. The rooms almost done. I just need to paint the top part.

Okay, after writing all my funny things down they don't seem so funny. Oh well.
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