Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I love toy trains!

For Veterans day today I had a chance to work on my train layout. It's been kind of slow going because of money and time. So I've been spending 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there. It has also been very nice to have dad close by to bounce ideas off and use his tools. We'll I have two things left to buy before I can start laying track, but this is what I have so far.

It's 4'x8' and comes apart into 2'x4' sections. I'm excited to get going a little more on this project and get some legs on it. Mackenzie is really starting to like running the trains as well as taking them off the track. So after the legs I need to put 2" of extruded foam on the top to create mountains, rivers, and lakes. The foam is the same stuff used for insulation. This is so cool. I will send pics when the next stage is done.

1 comment:

Jacob said...

That looks very cool. I look forward to seeing more. Good luck.