Sunday, June 14, 2009


Mackenzie has been growing up so much in the last few weeks. Things seem to be clicking for her. For example, at night we tell her Princess Mackenzie stories (they're stories about her and the things she did during the day. It doesn't take a lot of creativity to tell them). The other night she looked at me and stated "Those stories are about me aren't they daddy."

She is also starting to reason with us. I told Mackenzie it was time for bed and she replied "Maybe I can sleep in your bed with you and Mommy?" of course I said no and told her that would be silly. She then countered with "That's not silly dad, it makes sense (referring to sleeping in our bed)."

Her most recent venture is doing number 2. She has had a hard time figuring it out. Today was great because I don't think she was feeling well and she had to go like four times. I think she figured out what to do. Well she knows she is rewarded for going #2 and I was cleaning up the gamecube from another day and she asked if she could play the bongo game. I told her no and her cute response was "I went poop, dad! I should play the bongos then." Instead I let her have a picnic for dinner in the living room and she could watch Charlotte's Web.

I love my kids. They is never a dull moment with them and I hope there never is.

Really that's otter pop on Spencer's face and sweater.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Where did you get such cute kids? =)